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MapLink™ Signs

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A sign made of nylon, canvas or like material that is hung for a limited period of time.
An illuminated sign, where the illumination is not kept at a constant intensity/brightness or which exhibits sudden or marked changes in lighting effects. Also includes any sign that exhibits moving text/graphics or changes its message or background in a manner or method of display characterized by motion or pictorial imagery, which may or may not include text and depicts action or a special effect to imitate movement, the presentation of pictorials or graphics displayed in progression of frames which present the illusion of motion, including, but not limited to, the illusion of moving objects, moving patterns or bands of light, or expanding or contracting shapes. Flashing/video signs shall include images or messages with these characteristics that are projected onto buildings or other objects, and electronic graphic signs.
A pole sign or a monument sign.
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Any sign erected by a governmental authority or its duly appointed agent, in accordance with the provisions of a statute, ordinance, code, rule, or regulation, including safety signs, signs indicating scenic or historical points of interest, conserved property signs, and traffic signs.
The vertical distance of a sign as measured from the lowest ground elevation beneath the sign to the highest point on the sign or its supports.
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A sign that is lit either internally or externally with artificial light.
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An informational/directional sign, that has a purpose secondary to the use of the lot on which it is located, such as "no parking," "entrance," "no trespassing," "no hunting," and other similar directives.
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A sign that is nonpermanent and can be display for 120 days, but is not intended to be displayed for any indefinite period, and which requires a permit that may be renewed annually.
A sign directly anchored in the ground through a concrete, solid wood, stone, or brick base, and is independent from any building or other structure. Monument signs may have two display sides.
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A sign which directs attention to an object, product, service, place, activity, person, institution, organization, or business that is primarily offered at a location other than the lot upon which the sign is located.
A sign supported by one or more uprights/poles, anchored in the ground, and is independent from any building or other structure. Pole signs may have two display sides.
A sign that is directly affixed to the wall of a building and is not parallel to the face of such wall. It includes signs that are a part of an awning, canopy, or other fabric, plastic, or structural protective cover over a door, entrance, window, or outdoor service area as well as marquees.
A sign that is nonpermanent that can be displayed for 45 days, but is not intended to be displayed for any indefinite period.
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A permanent or temporary structure or part thereof, or any device attached, painted, placed, reflected, or represented on a structure or other surface that shall display or include any letter, word, message, picture, design, symbol, logo, insignia, or representation used as or which is in the nature of an advertisement, announcement, visual communication, or direction; or is designed to attract the eye or bring the subject to the attention of the public. Interior signs not visible from a public right-of-way or adjoining property, and cornerstones built into or attached to a wall of a building, shall not be construed to be signs.
The area of a sign shall be construed to include all lettering, wording and accompanying designs and symbols, together with the background, whether open or enclosed, on which they are displayed, but not including any supporting framework and bracing incidental to the display itself. Where the sign consists of individual letters or symbols attached to a building, wall or window, the area shall be considered to be that of the smallest rectangle or other regular geometric shape which encompasses all of the letters and symbols. In computing square foot area of a double-face sign, only one side shall be considered, provided that both faces are identical. If the interior angle formed by the two faces of the double-faced sign is greater than 45°, then both sides of such sign shall be considered in calculating the sign area.
A sign attached to a tree, utility pole, pole, stake, fence, bench, traffic light, streetlight, street sign or other sign, or other object, that is on public property, in the public right of way, or on private property without the permission of the property owner. Also called a bandit sign. This definition does not apply to the proper posting of signs prohibiting trespassing or hunting, or to signs expressly allowed by this Part.
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An impermanent sign intended to be displayed for a limited period of time in a twelve-month period. Temporary signs do not include banners.
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A sign meeting the requirements of § 1.7 of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) Traffic Engineering and Operations Manual-Tourist Oriented Directional Signing (TODS) Policy and approved there under by PennDOT. A TODS sign shall be located within the right-of-way of a street and provide the name and directional guidance to an attraction that the traveling public would have a reasonable interest in.
A sign which is painted on, or attached and parallel to, an outside wall of any building or structure, including windows and doors. Such a sign must not project more than eight inches from the wall and must be fully supported by such wall.
A sign that is placed within the interior of a building or structure and is visible from the exterior of a window.
General Rules.
1. All signs must be constructed of durable materials and must be kept in good condition and repair at all times.

2. Where a sign is supported by the ground, it must be firmly attached, supported, and anchored to its supports and framework or directly to the ground. Every such sign's supports and framework shall be firmly attached and anchored to the ground.

3. Where a sign is attached to a structure, such as a building, it must be solidly and firmly attached, supported, and anchored to its supports and framework and its supports and framework shall be firmly attached and anchored to the structure. The applicant must provide proof that the structure can safely support the proposed sign.

4. No sign shall be located, arranged, or placed in a position where it will cause danger to traffic or pedestrians on a street or entering a street; or obscures from view, hides from view, or interferes with the effectiveness of a traffic control device.

5. No sign shall be placed within a clear sight triangle of a street, except governmental signs, and street and address signs.
6. No sign shall be placed within the existing right-of-way of a street, except governmental signs, street and address signs, temporary signs and TODS signs.

7. All permanent signs affixed to any permitted building shall be integrated into the architectural design of the building on which they are placed and shall be harmonious with the design of the facade of the building.

See Sign Regulations Table for more details.
Prohibited Signs.
1. The following signs are not allowed:
A. Signs containing spinning, animated, or twirling components.

B. Flashing/video signs.

C. Banners, pennants, balloons, and signs of any similar character; except for banners temporarily suspended across or along public streets, public property, or private property as allowed elsewhere in this Part.

D. Signs containing the colors red, green, or yellow which are illuminated or reflective within 100 feet of any traffic light.

E. Signs that are not securely embedded into the ground or attached to a building with a permanent foundation; signs affixed to a movable stand or mounted on wheels; including, but not limited to, signs converted to A or T frames; and umbrellas with logos, words or letters on them.

F. Any sign painted, erected, constructed, or inscribed wholly upon, or over the roofline, or the roof of any building, or structure with the principal support on the roof. Any sign which extends above the roofline of any building or structure.

G. Any sign erected or maintained on Township-owned property, except for those signs installed by the Township, government signs, or signs required by the Township and temporary signs at polling stations owned by the Township so long as the temporary signs are only in place while the polling station is open and the placement and location of the temporary signs complies with all state and county rules and regulations.

H. Multiple signs placed in succession and forming a cohesive phrase, idea, communication, or concept.

I. Signs which emit smoke, visible vapors or particles, sound, or odor.

J. Signs that use reflective materials to give the, appearance of flashing, blinking, twinkling, or electronically changing messages.

K. Lasers; floodlights not specifically, being used for illumination.

L. Signs on a permanently parked vehicle or trailer (one that is not moved on a regular basis or not regularly used for another purpose) which is visible from a public road.

M. Snipe signs.

Removal of Signs.
1. No person shall maintain or permit to be maintained on any premises owned or controlled by him, a sign which has been abandoned. An abandoned sign for the purpose of this chapter is a sign erected on, and/or related to a property for which the use has been abandoned.

2. Any conforming sign erected in conjunction with or advertising a use that is no longer located on the same property as the sign shall be removed immediately by the property owner. Any conforming sign erected in conjunction with or advertising a service or product that is no longer available shall be removed immediately by the owner of the property where the sign is located.

3. Any conforming sign that is not maintained so as to become a danger to the public shall be immediately repaired or removed, to eliminate the danger, by the owner of the property it is located upon. Any conforming sign that has been erected in such a fashion as to constitute a dangerous or unsafe condition or a menace to the public shall be removed immediately by the owner of the property it is located upon.

4. Any sign established, erected, placed, operated, repaired, or maintained in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter or any other ordinance, code, rule or regulation of the Township shall be removed and shall not be re-erected, reestablished, or replaced until it fully complies with all of the applicable provision of this chapter and any other ordinance, code, rule or regulation of the Township.
Nonconforming Signs.
1. Any sign existing and lawful as of the effective date of this Part that does not conform with the current applicable zoning regulations shall be considered a nonconforming sign and may continue to exist and operate in its present location.

2. Any nonconforming sign that is destroyed or removed, shall be replaced only with a sign erected in conformity with this Part.

3. Any nonconforming sign which requires maintenance, renovation, replacement, or repair work shall be brought into conformity with this Part.

4. Nonconforming signs may be repainted, repaired (including lighting if the sign already is illuminated), or altered in their wording, providing such modifications do not exceed the dimension of the existing nonconforming sign.