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Forestry/Logging Plan
Notification; Preparation of a Forestry/Logging Plan.

1. Notification of Commencement or Completion. For all forestry and timber harvesting operations that are expected to exceed one acre and not listed in § 27-2702: Scope; Applicability hereof, the landowner shall notify the Township enforcement officer at least 10 business days before the operation commences and prior to release of financial security posted pursuant to § 27-2707: Financial Security hereof. No timber harvesting shall occur until the notice has been provided. Notification shall be in writing and shall specify the land on which harvesting will occur, the expected size of the harvest area, and, as applicable, the anticipated starting or completion date of the operation.

2. Forest Management Plan. Timber harvesting activities (except those activities exempted under § 27-2702: Scope; Applicability hereof) shall be conducted pursuant to a forest management plan prepared by a person or entity recognized as qualified by the Pennsylvania Bureau of Forestry, a copy of which shall be provided to the Township with the application for a zoning use permit. The forest management plan shall include those items specified under § 27-2705: Contents of the Forest Management Plan hereof. Township shall determine the adequacy of the forest management plan with respect to the requirements of § 27-2705: Contents of the Forest Management Plan hereof. No timber harvesting shall occur until the forest management plan has been prepared and filed with the Township. The provisions of the plan shall be followed throughout the operation.

3. Responsibility for Compliance. The landowner and the operator shall be jointly and severally responsible for complying with the terms of the logging plan.

Contents of the Forest Management Plan.

1. Plan Preparation. The forest management plan shall be prepared in accordance with silvicultural prescriptions and best management practices recognized by the Pennsylvania Bureau of Forestry and/or the DCNR. It shall incorporate provisions to assure sustainable forestry including provisions for the regeneration of the native hardwood forest by permitting specimen trees to remain to reseed the forest area, the removal of invasive and/or substandard trees and similar practices.

2. Minimum Requirements for Timber Harvest Operation. As a minimum the plan for timber harvest operations shall include the following:
A. Design, construction and maintenance of water control measures and structures such as culverts, broad-based dips, filter strips and water bars.
B. Design, construction and maintenance of stream and wetland crossings.
C. Copies of all required permits shall be submitted as an appendix to the plan.
D. Proof of current general liability and/or worker's compensation insurance.
E. Proof of PennDOT Highway occupancy permit or Township driveway permit for temporary access, as applicable.
F. Copy of Bucks County Conservation District "letter of adequacy" for the proposed erosion control facilities, including associated plans, reports and other permits as required.

3. Map. Each forestry/logging plan shall include a site map containing the following information:
A. Site location and boundaries, including both the boundaries of the property on which the timber harvest will take place and the boundaries of the proposed harvest area within that property.
B. Significant topographic features related to potential environmental problems.
C. Location of all earth disturbance activities such as roads, landings and water control measures and structures.
D. Location of the crossings of all water bodies including, but not limited to, waters of the commonwealth.
E. The general location of the proposed operation to municipal and state highways, including any accesses to those highways.

4. Compliance with State Law. The forestry/logging plan shall address and comply with the requirements of all applicable state laws and regulations including, but not limited to, the following:
A. Erosion and sedimentation control regulations contained in 25 Pa. Code, Chapter 102, promulgated pursuant to the Clean Streams Law, 35 P.S. § 691.1 et seq.
B. Stream crossing and wetlands protection regulations contained in 25 Pa. Code, Chapter 105, promulgated pursuant to the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act, 32 P.S. § 693.1 et seq.
C. Stormwater management plans and regulations issued pursuant to the Stormwater Management Act, 32 P.S. § 680.1 et seq.
5. Compliance with Federal Law/Regulations. The forestry/logging plan shall address and comply with the requirements of all applicable federal laws and regulations including, but not limited to, the best management practices (BMPs) as set forth at 33 CFR 323.4(a)(6)(i-xv).

See Part 27: FORESTRY AND TIMBER HARVESTING for complete, detailed information.