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MapLink™ | Procedures | Natural Resource Protection Standards for Site Layout Plans

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Natural Resource Protection Standards for Site Layout Plans
Site Layout Plan, Delineation Requirements.
A. All uses or development must submit a site layout plan that delineates and identifies the natural resources on the site, including those protected by this Part. The plan shall, at a minimum:
(1) Identify natural resources required to be protected under this chapter and, if applicable, Chapter 22;
(2) Show how much of each resource is proposed to be encroached upon, disturbed, and/or removed;
(3) Show all setbacks required by this chapter, including those set forth in § 27-2515, and, if applicable, Chapter 22;
(4) Show the topography of the site using contour lines measured at vertical intervals of two feet. Actual field surveys or aerial surveys must be used as the source of contour information and for depicting slopes.

B. In lieu of preparing the above-required site layout plan, applicants for subdivision and/or land development under Chapter 22 may submit an up-to-date ERSAP, documentation of the use of the four-step design process, and an up-to-date plan set that conforms to Chapter 22's requirements. Lot line adjustment applicants under Chapter 22 may submit an up-to-date ERSAP and up-to-date plan, along with any other voluntary documentation created for purposes of Chapter 22. The Township has the discretion to require additional drawings or plans as needed to determine compliance with this Part and the Zoning Ordinance as a whole.

See Part 22: NATURAL RESOURCE PROTECTION STANDARDS for complete, detailed information.