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MapLink™ | Procedures | Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report

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Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report
1. The impact on the environment generated by subdivision, land development and other projects necessitates a comprehensive analysis of the variety of problems that may result in actions that can be taken to minimize these problems. In order to effectively evaluate the environmental consequences or effects of certain projects proposed in the Township, an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report shall be submitted together with preliminary plans or building permit applications for the following:

A. Any application for preliminary and/or final plans or applications/building permits in the RD, Residential Development District, TNC, Traditional Neighborhood Commercial District, LT, Light Industrial District or QA, Quarry Agricultural Districts; provided however, than an EIA report shall not be required for any proposed structure or use in the TNC or LI Districts which is less than 8,000 square feet in area or an alteration or addition to an existing building use in any of the foregoing districts which is less than 8,000 square feet in total area. Area shall be computed as the total of the floor area of the building and/or the area devoted to the use, whichever is larger.

B. Any development in the RA and RB District which involves five or more dwelling units or lots, any one of which is less than 10 acres in size. A subdivision of lots all of which are greater than 10 acres in area shall be exempt from the requirement of an EIA report only if all of the lots are deed restricted from further subdivision.

C. Any application for a conditional use, variance, special exception or petition for a change of zoning where it is deemed necessary by the Board of Supervisors because of the potential adverse effects of the application.

In order to encourage the thorough preparation of an EIA report, the applicant may use the components of the EIA report to satisfy the reporting requirements of the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance [Chapter 22]; provided, however, that a list of the sections of the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance [Chapter 22] that are proposed to be satisfied by the EIA report shall be submitted with the EIA report.

2. An updated EIA report shall accompany and form a part of a final land development or subdivision plan as required by Subsection 1, above.

3. Twenty copies of the EIA report shall be submitted with the plans, preliminary or final. Within the EIA report, specific emphasis shall be directed toward the proposed project's effects on and relationship to applicable site, neighborhood (including areas in adjacent municipalities where applicable) and Township-wide resources, conditions or characteristics. The EIA report shall include text, tables, maps and analyses for the purpose of describing the project site, proposed use(s), environmental characteristics and the environmental effects of the proposal as follows:
A. Overview. Indicate the purpose and scope of the proposed project. Enumerate the benefits to the public which will result from the proposed project and describe the suitability of the site for the intended use. A description of the proposed project shall be presented to indicate the extent to which the site must be altered, the kinds of facilities to be constructed, how they are to be considered and the uses intended. The resident population, working population and visitor population shall be projected. The basis of the projections shall be clearly stated in the report.

B. Compatibility. The compatibility or incompatibility of the proposed project shall be described in relation to the following:
(1) Township Comprehensive Plan, especially the land use and open space elements.
(2) Comprehensive Plan of adjacent municipalities whenever a project is located along or within 2,000 feet of the municipal boundaries.
(3) Bucks County Comprehensive Plan.
(4) Regional and state planning guides.
(5) Other pertinent planning documents.

C. Location. An identification of the site location and area through the use of a location map drawn at a scale of not more than 2,000 feet to the inch. The location map shall depict all streets, adjoining properties, zoning district boundaries and municipal boundaries within 2,500 feet of any part of the tract. In the case of development of only a portion of the entire tract, the location map shall also show the relationship of the section to the entire tract.

D. Photographs. An identification of the character and appearance of the site through the presentation of black and white photographs or copies thereof. Such photographs shall provide a representation of what the site looks like from ground level. Photographs shall be properly identified or captioned and shall be keyed to a map of the site.

E. Description of the Project. An identification of the nature of the proposals through the presentation of the following:
(1) A site development plan including notes pertaining to the number and type of lots or units, the square footage and/or acreage of the tract and a depiction of the features which are proposed such as streets, driveways, parking areas, buildings and other structures, and all impervious surfaces. The plan shall be drawn at a scale of not smaller than 100 feet to the inch, i.e., 50 feet to the inch is permitted but 200 feet to the inch is not, and may be submitted as an attachment to the report. The plan shall reflect all the information required under the plan requirements of the Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance [Chapter 22].

(2) Floor plans and elevations depicting the proposed size, square footage, height, number of rooms (where applicable) of buildings and/or other structures.

(3) A statement indicating the existing and proposed ownership of the tract and where applicable, the type of ownership, operation and maintenance proposed for areas devoted to open space or otherwise not under the control of a single lot owner.

(4) A statement indicating the proposed staging or phasing of the project and a map depicting the boundaries of each stage or phase of the project. Such boundaries shall be superimposed on a version of the site development plan.

See § 27-2610: Environmental Impact Assessment Report for complete, detailed information.
See also Subdivision and Land Development Process for more information.