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MapLink™ | Procedures | Natural Resource Disturbance, Prohibition Against

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Natural Resource Disturbance, Prohibition Against
1. Site alterations, grading, filling or clearing of vegetation prior to the issuance of zoning or building permits or receipt of a permit or final approval for a subdivision or land development from the Township shall be a violation of this chapter.

2. Disturbing Resources Prior to Plan or Permit Approval. Any removal of trees, grading, or disturbance of protected resources initiated two years or less before the submission of plans for subdivision, land development, building, or zoning permits is presumed to be in anticipation of development. If an application for building, conditional use, subdivision, or land development is submitted for the property within two years of the date of tree removal, grading, or other disturbances occurred, the requirement for resource protection set forth in this chapter and in the Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance [Chapter 22] shall be applied to the property as it was prior to the disturbance. If tree removal has exceeded the limits set forth in Township ordinances, the applicant shall be required to replace trees removed. Replacement shall be in accordance with § 22-520, § 22-5201L, "Replacement Trees," of the Subdivision Ordinance [Chapter 22] and be installed and approved by the Township prior to issuance of a building permit by the Township.
  Determination of actual caliper inches of trees removed shall be through site inspection, aerial photographs, or on the basis of a tree inventory submitted to and approved by the Township. If it is not possible to determine the caliper inches of trees removed, replacement trees shall be provided so that there shall be a minimum of 100 caliper inches (measured diameter at breast height) of trees per acre after planting as determined by the Township.

3. Trees within the right-of-way of a Township street shall not be removed without Township approval except within the clear sight triangle, or removal of invasive species, diseased trees, dead trees, or trees determined by the Township to be in poor health.

See Part 22: NATURAL RESOURCE PROTECTION STANDARDS for complete, detailed information.