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Subdivision and Land Development
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report In order to effectively evaluate the environmental consequences or effects of certain projects proposed in the Township, an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report shall be submitted together with preliminary plans or building permit applications. Show Less In order to effectively evaluate the environmental consequences or effects of certain projects proposed in the Township, an E... Show More Physical Resources Inventory An identification of physical resources associated with the natural environment of the tract including such features as geology, topography, soils, hydrology and the like. Show Less An identification of physical resources associated with the natural environment of the tract including such features as geolo... Show More Biological Resources Inventory An identification of biological resources associated with the natural environment of the tract including such features as vegetation and wildlife. Show Less An identification of biological resources associated with the natural environment of the tract including such features as veg... Show More Land Use Inventory An identification of the land use conditions and characteristics associated with the tract such as: current and past use, land cover and encumbrances; and the relationship of these to adjacent tracts. Show Less An identification of the land use conditions and characteristics associated with the tract such as: current and past use, lan... Show More Surface and Subsurface Water Inventory Describe existing watercourses and water bodies that are partially or totally on the site and their relationship to the area of land disturbance. Describe the subsurface water conditions on the site both in terms of depth to ground water and water supply capabilities of the site. Show Less Describe existing watercourses and water bodies that are partially or totally on the site and their relationship to the area ... Show More Existing Features Inventory Show Less Show More Historic Resources Inventory An identification of the man-made resources associated with or within 500 feet of the tract which are older than 50 years. Show Less Show More Visual Resources Inventory An identification of the visual resources associated with the tract such as areas which have a particular amenity value and areas which offer interest in viewing the tract. Show Less An identification of the visual resources associated with the tract such as areas which have a particular amenity value and a... Show More Community Needs Inventory An identification of the community facility needs associated with the users and/or residents of the proposed project. Show Less Show More Utility Needs Inventory An identification of the utility needs associated with the users and/or residents of the proposed project and a statement whether the project is within the area to be served by public sewers under the Township's Act 537 Plan. Show Less An identification of the utility needs associated with the users and/or residents of the proposed project and a statement whe... Show More Transportation System Inventory An identification of the relationship of the transportation and circulation system needs of the proposed project to the existing street or highway network. Show Less An identification of the relationship of the transportation and circulation system needs of the proposed project to the exist... Show More Impacts Inventory The implications of the proposed project in terms of: the type of beneficial or adverse effects which may result from it; and the duration of these effects in terms of their short-term or long-term nature. Show Less The implications of the proposed project in terms of: the type of beneficial or adverse effects which may result from it; and... Show More Educational Impact Study An application for a major subdivision or the creation of six or more lots on a single property shall include an educational impact study describing the impact of the proposed development on the educational system of the Township, as described in this section. Show Less An application for a major subdivision or the creation of six or more lots on a single property shall include an educational ... Show More