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MapLink™ | Procedures | Physical Resources Inventory

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Physical Resources Inventory
An identification of physical resources associated with the natural environment of the tract including such features as geology, topography, soils, hydrology and the like. The identification of physical resources shall include a narrative description of the qualitative aspects of each of the resources mentioned above. In addition, these resources shall be mapped at a scale of not smaller than 100 feet to the inch as specified below and may be either incorporated into the EIA report or submitted as attachments to the report.
(1) A map depicting the geological characteristics of the tract. Such map shall define the location and boundaries of the rock formations at or influencing the tract and features such as faults and/or fractures. All carbonate and diabase geology must be shown and all information required by § 22-525 of the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance [Chapter 22] shall be included.

(2) A map depicting the topographical characteristics of the tract. Such map shall contain contours with at least two-foot intervals and shall depict slopes ranging from: 0% to 20%, 20% to 25%, and greater than 25%.

(3) A map depicting the soil characteristics of the tract. Such map shall depict all soil types and shall include a table identifying soil characteristics pertinent to the proposed project such as prime agricultural soils, depth of bedrock, depth of water table, flood hazard potential, and limitations for septic tank filter fields. List and describe each soil type located on the site. If applicable, provide percolation data. Where the proposed area of land disturbance will involve soils with moderate or severe limitations (as per the Soil Survey of Bucks County, Soil Conservation Service) relative to the type of project proposed, a complete mapping of all soil types on the site shall be required indicating where those moderate and severe limitations exist.

(4) A map depicting the hydrological characteristics of the tract. Such map shall depict: surface water resources, their drainage characteristics, watersheds and floodplains and groundwater resources. Surface water resources include features such as creeks, runs and other streams, ponds, lakes, and other natural bodies of water, springs, wetlands, and any man-made impoundments. Groundwater resources include features such as aquifers and aquifer recharge areas.

See § 27-2610: Environmental Impact Assessment Report for complete, detailed information.