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MapLink™ | Procedures | Utility Needs Inventory

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Utility Needs Inventory
An identification of the utility needs associated with the users and/or residents of the proposed project and a statement whether the project is within the area to be served by public sewers under the Township's Act 537 Plan. The utility needs assessment shall indicate in narrative form the type of installations which will be in demand. Utilities (such as those used for water supply, sewage disposal, refuse disposal, storm drainage, communications and electrical transmission) shall be discussed in terms of: the ability of existing utility installations to accommodate the demands of the future users and/or residents of the lot(s) and/or tract; the need for additional or expanded utility installations; the ability to achieve an adequate, potable quantity of water whenever individual wells ate proposed; the ability to achieve an adequate system for on-site sewage disposal whenever such a system is proposed; and the ability to achieve an adequate system for storm drainage and stormwater management. Certificates from the utilities confirming that adequate capacity exists to service the proposed development shall be included.

See § 27-2610: Environmental Impact Assessment Report for complete, detailed information.