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MapLink™ | Procedures | Land Use Inventory

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Land Use Inventory
An identification of the land use conditions and characteristics associated with the tract such as: current and past use, land cover and encumbrances; and the relationship of these to adjacent tracts. The identification of land use conditions and characteristics shall include a narrative description of the above. In addition, the following maps drawn at a scale of not smaller than 100 feet to the inch, shall be incorporated into the EIA report or submitted as attachments to it.
(1) A map depicting the land cover characteristics of the tract. Such map shall define existing features including: paved or other impervious surfaces, woodland and forest areas, cultivated areas, pasture, old fields, lawns and landscaped areas, and the like.

(2) A map depicting any encumbrances to the tract. Such map shall define easements and other areas where certain use privileges exist.

(3) A map depicting the land uses within 500 feet of the proposed tract. Such map may be at the same scale as the location map.

See § 27-2610: Environmental Impact Assessment Report for complete, detailed information.